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Workshop Advancements in Mesoscale Materials Modeling
2nd-4th Dec. '24 - Dresden

Image by Scott Webb


We are an Interdisciplinary Research Group, working at the Institute of Scientific Computing and the Dresden Center of Computational Materials Science of TU-Dresden. We develop mesoscale models to study material properties comprehensively, predict/explain experimental behaviors, and investigate the complexities of crystalline materials. This research is carried out with the aid of numerical simulations and state-of-the-art computational techniques.

The research activities illustrated here started a few years ago carried out by the PI and co-workers. They merged into the 3MS group in early 2021 with funding from the DFG Emmy Noether Programme.

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Sept. 16th, 2024

New preprint on analysis and design of hyperuniform patterns

The work unveils whether hyperuniformity can be inferred from the distribution of local arrangements available in arXiv. Therein, we show that this is possible by leveraging persistent homology combined with advanced analysis and machine learning


Aug. 29th 2024

Published in Science: "Grain boundaries are Brownian Ratchets"

Our work on directional migration of grain boundaries induced by oscillating fields has been published in Science. Different methods and experiments shed light on GB kinetics and microstructure evolution, 


August 10th, 2024

Paper published in Mechanics of Materials

The mesoscale model for elasticity and defects in deformable crystalline sheets has been accepted for publication in Mechanics of Materials. We assessed its reliability and revealed interest behavior for dislocation motion and interaction on deformable surfaces.


July 2024

Marco Salvalaglio appointed as Professor (apl) 

Marco Salvalaglio has been appointed as apl. Professor of Computational Materials Science at the faculty of Mathematics (Institute of Scientific Computing) of TU Dresden.




D3 - Data-Driven Design of Resilient Metamaterials 

Project website 

DFG -Research Training Group (RTG) 2868 - 2023-2028 (1st FP). Group Role: PI, PhD Students

The research of this RTG will focus on metamaterials, i.e. delicate structures produced by 3D printing that are perceived as a material in a component. The design of the internal structure enables tailored, sometimes extraordinary properties for applications in the mobility, medical and energy sectors. The investigations planned in D³ are aimed at both the mechanical performance and the sustainability of the new materials. The vision of D³ is to develop and apply a fully digital, data-driven approach to design metamaterials that is transferable to other material systems. The 3MS group is involved tosupport mesoscale modeling and the description of patterns for inverse design

Ordering and defects on deformable surfaces

Project website 

DFG Project (FOR3013) - 2023-2026. Group Role: PI, Postdoc, PhD Students

This project focuses on the development of a mesoscale framework to study positional ordering and defects on deformable surfaces by using different modeling approaches and develop their extension to non-flat domains. The amplitude expansion of the phase-field crystal model is considered to handle elasticity and plasticity at the mesoscale without resolving atoms but retaining details of the crystal structure. Orientational ordering and deformable interacting objects, e.g. cells in epithelial tissues, will be modeled by a multi-phase-field approach governed by Allen-Cahn type equations and coupling with director and Q-tensor fields. Formulations suitable for non-flat domains will be developed via a general graph formulation.

A Mesoscale framework for the modeling of defects and interfaces in crystals

Project website 

DFG Project (Emmy Noether Programme) - 2021-2026. Group Role: PI, Postdoc, PhD Students

This project addresses the mesoscale modeling of crystalline systems. It builds on the phase-field crystal (PFC) model and its amplitude expansion (APFC), which provide convenient coarse-grained descriptions of crystalline structures. It aims at i) delivering novel theoretical tools that bridge micro- and macroscopic features while studying crystals accounting for real material properties, ii) overcoming limitations of current state-of-the-art theoretical approaches in this field through new and hybrid approaches, iii) enabling applications to technology-relevant crystalline systems and related open problems in materials science.

NAtuRal instability of semiConductors thIn SOlid films for sensing and photonic applications - NARCISO

Project website 

EU FET-Open Project - 2019-2022. Group Role: Research partner as IWR

NARCISO "NAtuRal instability of semiConductors thIn SOlid films for sensing and photonic applications"is an interdisciplinary project merging physics, chemistry, material science, fluid dynamics, and photonics with a high potential for applications and industrial scale-up of the relevant results. We propose to exploit the natural instability of thin solid films (solid state dewetting of silicon and germanium, SSD) to form complex patterns and nano-architectures (e.g. monocrystalline atomically-smooth structures, disordered hyperuniform metamaterials) that cannot be implemented with conventional methods.

Micro-crystals Single Photon InfraREd detectors – µSPIRE 

Project website 

EU FET-Open Project - 2017-2021. Group Role: Research partner as IWR

µSPIRE aims at establishing a technological platform for homo- and hetero- structure based photonic and electronic devices using the self-assembling of epitaxial crystals on patterned Si substrates. Emerging micro-electronic and photonic devices strongly require the integration on Si of a variety of semiconducting materials such as Ge, GaAs, in order to add novel functionalities to the Si platform. µSPIRE pursues this goal employing a novel deposition approach, which we termed vertical hetero-epitaxy (VHE), optimizied with the aid of simulations. VHE exploits the patterning of conventional Si substrates, in combination with epitaxial deposition, to attain the self-assembly of arrays of Ge and GaAs epitaxial micro-crystals elongated in the vertical direction, featuring structural and electronic properties unparalleled by “conventional” epitaxial growth.

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Axel Voigt, Markus Kästner, Ivo Sbalzarini - TU-Dresden, DE  ■  Ken R. Elder - Oakland Univeristy, USA  ■  David J. Srolovitz  - The University of Hong Kong ■  Jian Han - City University of Hong Kong  ■  Marco Abbarchi, Isabelle Berbezier - IM2NP, Aix-Marseille Universite', France ■  Steven M. Wise - The University of Tennessee, USA  ■  Francesco Montalenti, Roberto Bergamaschini - University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy  ■  Giovanni Isella, Monica Bollani - LNESS, Politecnico di Milano, Italy ■  Luiza Angheluta - University of Oslo, Norway  ■  Jorge Vinals - University of Minnesota, USA  ■  Zhi-Feng Huang - Wayne State University, USA  ■  

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Library Shelves




Prof. Marco Salvalaglio

Visitor Address, IWR

Barmerbau, B 237,

Zellescher Weg 25, 01217 Dresden, Germany

Visitor Address, DCMS

Hallwachsstraße 3,

01069 Dresden, Germany

Postal Address:

Technische Universität Dresden

Institut für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen

Helmholtzstr. 10

01069 Dresden

Tel.: +49 351 463-35657

Fax: +49 351 463-37096

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