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Join Us!
We are open to welcome enthusiastic Master / PhD students and Postdocs in the group at IWR and/or DCMS. Available open positions, if available, are listed below. Moreover, we are open to support applications for studentship and fellowships (see overview of available Programs in Germany here)
PhD Open Positions: at the moment there are no specific call for positions.
PostDoc Open Positions: at the moment there are no specific call for positions. Being the PI an A. von Humboldt Alumi, we are also willing to host PostDocs (m/f/d) for their AvH Postdoctoral fellowship. If interest please contact us as reported below.
Master Thesis / SHK: Students (m/f/d) who aim at a research projects in computational materials science or applied mathematics are always welcome. Possible topics are (not restricted to):
i) Elasticity in coarse-grained atomistic description (e.g. PFC);
ii) Morphological and topological analysis of spinodal patterns;
iii) Numerical coarse-graining of PDEs (applications to phase field):
iv) Hyperuniformity and mechanical properties
If interest please contact us as reported below.
For more information on open positions, projects and opportunities at the Master, PhD, and Postdoc level, please email Dr. Marco Salvalaglio, possibly including some information about you to optimize the process (CV, background, transcripts, PDF of a report/paper you have written, ...)
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